Lucerne International Forestry Fair 2025
Lucerne, Switzerland
Meeting point Forestry Fair Lucerne 2025
From August 21 to 24, 2025, the timber and forestry industry will finally meet in person again for the 27th edition in Lucerne. You can look forward to 220 first-class exhibitors and a packed trade fair program.
Since 1971, the Lucerne Forestry Fair has enjoyed an excellent reputation throughout Europe as the leading trade fair and sales event along the forestry and timber chain. The Lucerne International Forestry Fair is the largest trade fair for FORESTRY and WOOD in Switzerland. It stands for new and further developments in forest management, trends in timber harvesting technology and forest logistics. Over 220 specialized exhibitors present sophisticated processing methods and innovative products that are important for forest management to 22,000 interested trade visitors.
A cohesive industry presence awaits you at the Lucerne Forestry Fair!
Secure your stand space now and present yourself to a strong, international trade audience from the entire timber and forestry industry.